WoodyValley is clearing out some stock of brand new, previous model harnesses! Stock shown is what is at WoodyValley as of Nov 3, 2020
P008L GTO LIGHT 1 L turquoise (150euro off!)
P008X GTO LIGHT 1 XL turquoise (150euro off!)
P009X GTO LIGHT 1 XL black (150euro off!)
P002X02 WANI LIGHT 1 XL turquoise (100euro off)
P002X02L WANI LIGHT 1 XL turquoise with LEFT rescue container (100euro off)
P007ST03 WANI2 T-lock S green (130euro off)
P007ST02 WANI2 T-lock S turquoise (130euro off)
P007ST02L WANI2 T-lock S turquoise with LEFT rescue container (130euro off)
P007XT03 WANI2 T-lock XL green (130euro off)
P007XT02L WANI2 T-lock XL turquoise with LEFT rescue container (130euro off)
Prices include shipping from WoodyValley to us. Shipping savings will be shared and refunded if we get multiple harnesses shipped together.